Eco-friendly fashion in the 11th arrondissement of Paris!
Categories : Lifestyle, published on : 4/4/23
In the 11ᵉ arrondissement of Paris, there are many small boutiques run by designers and artisans. If you are passionate about fashion, you will certainly find your happiness among a wide variety of clothing and accessories stores. However, today we would like to highlight the many thrift stores in the neighborhood that offer eco-friendly fashion.
We've already talked about La Frange à l'Envers, a beautiful second-hand fashion boutique located in the neighborhood. Today, we'd like to tell you about Village Popincourt, which is strongly committed to zero waste and has even created its own second-hand fashion label!
Several founders of second hand stores have decided to join forces to create their own store in the respect of responsible consumption. They work together to promote slow fashion and offer a carefully chosen selection of fashion and accessories. Their stores are located close to each other and each has its own particularity. You can find vintage, recent, luxury or budget items, in short, there is something for everyone!
And to make your shopping trip easier, here are our favorite addresses!
– Shift store, 24 bis rue Popincourt
Juliette sorts all the pieces by size and color and offers luxury pieces with pieces for smaller budgets.
– Urban Exchange, 66 rue Sedaine
At Urban Exchange, Laura selects modern pieces, but not only! You will also find vintage clothes. Little plus: everything is washed just before being displayed, ready to be worn!
– The Planet, 65 rue Sedaine
Men, women, vintage, modern, classic, original, Tam has thought of all the requests, and all the budgets!
– La Suite, 47 rue du Chemin Vert
Manue waits for you on the little bench in front of the store for a moment of conviviality before finding your happiness among the carefully selected pieces!
– Roussotto Vintage, 32 rue Popincourt
Léa has selected for you the best pieces of Luxury Vintage and has lovingly found them for you. What do you say to a beautiful Hermès silk scarf?
What more can we say? Have a great day of responsible shopping!
Photo ©Paolo Chiabrando - Unsplash