Sandro Botticelli at the Jacquemart André Museum
Categories : Exhibition, published on : 9/20/21
For this fall 2021, the Jacquemart-André Museum offers us an artistic journey to Italy by celebrating the creative genius of Sandro Botticelli, one of the most illustrious painters of the Italian Renaissance.
The exhibition will show the painter's masterpieces as well as his studio practice, which saw him as a creator, entrepreneur and trainer. His artistic evolution will be reconstructed by exploring the culture of his time, while immersing ourselves in the radiant atmosphere of Florence.
This is the first exhibition in France since 2003, making it an unmissable experience that will benefit from loans from prestigious institutions such as the Louvre Museum, the National Gallery in London, the Vatican Museums and Libraries and others...
Until 24/01/2022 open every day from 10am to 6pm. Nocturnes on Mondays until 20:30 during the exhibition period. Last admission 30 minutes before the museum closes.
Photo ©culturespaces - Sandro Botticelli (1444 - 1510), Portrait de Julien de Médicis, 1478-1480, Détrempe et huile sur bois, 59,5 x 39,3 cm, Fondazione Accademia Carrara, Bergamo © Fondazione Accademia Carrara, Bergamo